A T'ai-Chi veteran of more than 40 years, Fong Ha presents Yang style
108 postures. Includes introduction and demonstration of the postures.
The teaching format includes repetition of the individual movements with
front, back and side views, with one of the views shown simultaneously
in a window. Concludes with a demonstration. Please specifiy if you want a VHS or DVD.
Fundamental Yiquan and Qigong DVD An internal arts veteran of more than 40 years, Fong Ha presents the fundatmentals of Yiquan and Qigong. Includes introduction and demonstration of the postures. The teaching format includes repetition of the individual movements with front, back and side views, with one of the views shown simultaneously in a window. Great for practicing alone when you need help to remember the postures. DVD only. T'ai-Chi Ruler: Used in the practice of T'ai-Chi Ruler Ch'i-Kung as taught by Sifu Fong
Ha. This is authentic and to original specifications.
Any of the
item can be purchased by sending your address and a check payable to
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January 28, 2006 7:58 AM