Sifu Fong Ha has been producing teaching materials in order to preserve what was taught to him. Currently, there are several items that may be of interest to you. When you select one item to purchase, the screen will refresh and a shopping cart appears on the bottom of the page. If you wish to remove an item, please click on the red trash can. When you have completed your order, click on the yellow PayPal button to process your payment with either your PayPal account or credit card.

BOOK=> Yiquan and the Nature of Energy: The fine art of doing nothing and achieving everything
An internal arts veteran of more than 40 years, Fong Ha presents his book on Yiquan and the Nature of Energy. Includes introduction and demonstration of the standing postures. (USA Orders Only)

Yiquan and the Nature of Energy: The fine art of doing nothing and achieving everything (International Orders)
An internal arts veteran of more than 40 years, Fong Ha presents his book on Yiquan and the Nature of Energy. Includes introduction and demonstration of the standing postures. (International Orders Only)

Yiquan et la Nature de l'Energie: L'Art de tout accomplir sans faire (Complete translation in French)
An internal arts veteran of more than 40 years, Fong Ha presents his book on Yiquan and the Nature of Energy in French. Includes introduction and demonstration of the standing postures. (USA Orders Only)

Yiquan et la Nature de l'Energie: L'Art de tout accomplir sans faire (Complete translation in French - International Orders)
An internal arts veteran of more than 40 years, Fong Ha presents his book on Yiquan and the Nature of Energy in French. Includes introduction and demonstration of the standing postures. (International Orders Only)

Stillness In Movement: The practice of T’ai-Chi Ch’uan.
A T’ai-Chi veteran of more than 50 years, Fong Ha presents Yang Family style 108 postures. Includes introduction and demonstration of the postures. The teaching format includes repetition of the individual movements with front, back and side views, with one of the views shown simultaneously in a window. Concludes with a demonstration. Please specify VHS or DVD media. 2 Hrs. (USA Orders only)

Stillness In Movement: The practice of T’ai-Chi Ch’uan. International Orders)
A T’ai-Chi veteran of more than 40 years, Fong Ha presents Yang style 108 postures. Includes introduction and demonstration of the postures. The teaching format includes repetition of the individual movements with front, back and side views, with one of the views shown simultaneously in a window. Concludes with a demonstration. Please specify VHS or DVD media. 2 Hrs. (International Orders only)

Fundamental Yiquan and Qigong DVD
A T'ai Chi and internal arts veteran of more than 40 years, Fong Ha presents the fundamentals of Yiquan and Qigong. Includes introduction and demonstration of the postures. The teaching format includes repetition of the individual movements with front, back and side views, with one of the views shown simultaneously in a window. Great for practicing alone when you need help to remember the postures. DVD only. 2 Hrs. (USA Orders only)

Fundamental Yiquan and Qigong DVD - International Orders
A T'ai Chi and internal arts veteran of more than 40 years, Fong Ha presents the fundamentals of Yiquan and Qigong. Includes introduction and demonstration of the postures. The teaching format includes repetition of the individual movements with front, back and side views, with one of the views shown simultaneously in a window. Great for practicing alone when you need help to remember the postures. DVD only. 2 Hrs. (International Orders only)

Taiji Ruler
Taiji Ruler
This Taiji Ruler is used in the practice of T’ai-Chi Ruler Ch’i-Kung as taught by Sifu Fong Ha. This T'ai-Chi Ruler is authentic and crafted to the original specifications. (USA Orders Only)

Taiji Ruler - International Orders
Taiji Ruler - International Orders
This Taiji Ruler is used in the practice of T’ai-Chi Ruler Ch’i-Kung as taught by Sifu Fong Ha. This T'ai-Chi Ruler is authentic and crafted to the original specifications. (International Orders Only)
Payment via PayPal or Credit Card only
You may use your PayPal account to process payment (PayPal Box 1) or you can use your Credit Card that is processed by PayPal (PayPal Box 2).
Payment via Land Mail
- Copy and paste the shopping cart in your email. Send an email to
- For international orders, please add additional $5 per item for international postage and handling.
- Mail a check payable to “Micheline Bogey” for the total of the order and shipping/handling charges. SEND TO: SUMMER HOUSE c/o Micheline Bogey, 2604 Etna Street Berkeley, CA 94704
- Someone will contact you with an estimated delivery date.